Both of the choirs i was in at poston went to this festival thingy. It was a lot of fun at least the bus ride was :) in the pics is me on the left, the middle is breanna saying shhh and kristen sleeping, the last one is becca. lots of fun!!
Jessi's first bath. Well first bath by us. Dad did most the work because i felt to bad making her stay in there. She was shaking like no other. She always shakes when she is scared. We thought she was a little over weight till we got her wet. she shrunk big time, man!!! She is tiny under all that fur!
This is from forever ago. I am sort of catching up on my pics. I usually post from dads lap top so i never have any pics so here are some. I went with hunter and all his friends and amber kyle and justin to the midnight showing of spider man! it was way fun i fell asleep for a while though haha. This was the first time i met a lot of hunters new friends. haha it seems like forever ago. fun night
i am so sick!! me and hunter both got bronchitis (sorry bad spelling) and i have been coughing none stop! it just seems to get worse. my throat was also infected but it wasnt strep yet. at least thats what the doc said. i dont get it does that just mean i have a sore throat haha any way thats why i have posted i have nothing else to do haha.
So all my brothers that read this are probably going to think i am dumb. But hopefully the girls will feel for me haha. So long story short me and bryson sort of started liking each other and stuff and then he broke my heart:( haha yup i am pathetic. But i am definitly getting over it. He was just sort of a weird guy. I think he sort of just needs to figure out his life and what he wants. He needs to learn how to...i dont know a lot of things i guess haha. anyway i better stop talking before i say anything else and turn this into my journal haha. But also just to clarify he is a cool guy and i am glad for all he taught me :)